Thursday 28 February 2013

13 Feb 2013: "The Morning Brew Show" Orion Radio


Gwen Caldwell (New York) interviews Brian Kelly on 13 Feb 2013
Here is the link to the show:

YouTube video of this interview is posted at the end of this article (ad free)

"Soaring OPPT Movement Lends Ear to 
Record Live Listenership"

The One People’s Public Trust followers flock to hear founders and faces of the organization on the radio. The movement is growing by leaps and bounds.

OPPT had a record one million + live listeners worldwide 
on The Morning Brew Show Feb 13th 

  • OPPT broke a second record with 190,000 live listeners on "Freedom Reigns" [radio] week of Feb 11th, up from 145,000 live listeners the previous week.
  • A google search for “One People’s Public Trust” currently produces 33M results in .28 sec

Original Source:

2/13/2013 An introduction to (OPPT) One People's Public Trust with Brian Kelly

Published on Feb 17, 2013

Gwen Caldwell interviews Brian Kelly on the OPPT.
Video description:

The One People's Public Trust (OPPT) has created and filed legal documents based on The Law of One, Universal Law, and the UCC that affect every human living in the territories of North America, and therefore, all living creature on Earth. It states, in effect, each Human is a manifestation of the Creator Source, and as such is a Creator, and is NOT subordinate to any artificial principality or corporate fiction.

Initially, there was "We the People"; the government and the financial system was designed to benefit All the People, equally, through the People's Public Trust. OPPT forms the basis of the original Constitution for the United States of America. As stated in the Declaration of Independence, however, "That whenever any form of government become destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it..". It is OPPT that lawfully establishes that right.

The Delegates to the Federal Convention specifically voted against granting the Federal Government the power and authority to create corporations, upon the motion of James Madison [1] Therefore, all government corporations, agents and agencies created by our representatives is a usurpation of power and subsequently is unconstitutional. Only "WE THE PEOPLE" can amend our Constitution. Whenever our representatives act outside their authority, we need to notify them and then ignore their acts as lawful and continue forward with our Republic.

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