Thursday 28 February 2013

Clipping the Wings of the Criminals


- Brian Kelly  

[written around 16 Feb 2013]

To think that this whole story broke less than two months ago is baffling, to say the least. A current google search for “One People’s Public Trust,” pings back 33,000,000 results, as of this day, February 18, 2013. Countless emails continue to flow in from people wanting to BE of service to the cause. This post is a Call-to-action for anyone willing to share their energy in support of bringing freedom to Humanity once and for all…
  • If you are one of the people who has heard the call, and you’re ready to stand up and play a part in ushering in this new paradigm, then this post is for YOU.
  • If you are tired of all the lies and corruption that have plagued our magnificent planet for far too long, then this post is for YOU.
  • If you are tired of being manipulated into believing war, hate, fear, anger and aggression are a natural part of BE’ing human, then this post is for YOU.
  • If you are ready to embrace a reality based upon Love, Joy, Peace and Prosperity for All, then this post is for YOU.

Are YOU ready for the whole world to know about OPPT, so that we can all join hands together and manifest our new reality? Then NOW is the time to DO and BE as ONE. The only question that remains is, will you take the call?

The fastest way to share this information with the masses is to bring it out into the open for all to see and feel. Through the various channels of media, we can and will accomplish just that. The quickest route to the mainstream is by getting into the smaller networks first.

On Wednesday I was on Orion Talk Radio, for a program called Morning Brew, hosted by Gwen Caldwell to discuss OPPT. After the live recording I was told there were over 1M+ live listeners representing over 10 countries. Considering the popularity of the show and the gravity of the content, we were invited back every Wednesday until this information gets out in the open for the whole world to see. (Links to that show and future shows will follow this post)

The objective is to duplicate this process as many times over as possible. We have plenty of very qualified OPPT insiders who are already standing by for broadcast duty. Let’s just say, too many requests for interviews is a very good problem to have.

OPPT Frees Humanity from Debt Slavery System Banks and 
Government Profited from Casino Economy That Enslaved the World

A former international banking lawyer saw fraud …everywhere. She followed the yellow/gold brick road back to the wizards, corrupt government corporations in bed with banks and the world’s powerful financial elite.  In response, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, the former lawyer and fellow trustees, Caleb Paul Skinner, and Hollis Randall Hillner created The One People’s Public Trust.

OPPT foreclosed on all governments and banks, removed the financial elite’s power, returning all wealth and gold back to its rightful owners, the people.

To disperse this wealth, OPPT formed 194 Creator’s Value Asset Centers that supplant corporate governments.

CVACs are a powerful system using mechanisms already put in place, 
paid for, and built by the people.

Original Source:

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