Tuesday 26 February 2013

What just happened ??

Comprehending the incomprehensible !! 

On 25 December 2012, three people who had been Assigned a set of legal documents in May 2011, roared onto the public stage with a "Press Release". They told all the citizens of the world that THEY ARE NOW FREE from Debt Slavery. This is the "One People's Public Trust". What followed was an avalanche of material - interviews, radio shows, more Press Releases, videos, and new web sites popping up, trying to keep up with cataloging all of the diverse commentary hitting the world stage via the internet and airwaves. I was a late-comer to the story by 2 months. I really didn't know where to begin... and I just wasn't getting how this claim could be true. Where was I supposed to begin ??

This new blogsite hopefully will provide some guidance to a new-comer like myself. It will give you a starting-point and provide some history and nuts and bolts of what has been going on behind the scenes since 2009. This is an amazing story. I am no expert either... very few of us are. But as we help each other and contribute to each other's understanding, we will get there. 

Please feel free to join with me here with your comments. We must all take responsibility to research and come to an understanding of what has been achieved on our behalf, and how we can put all of this into action in our lives. We can free ourselves from Debt Slavery. The mechanisms are all in place to do so. We just need to do our research and figure out how to implement what has been done for us by the Trust on our behalf. It is certainly an interesting time in history... 


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