Wednesday 20 March 2013

"Eternal Essence, Debt Release" OPPT filing, 20 March 2013

Mirror:  American Kabuki

Please read out loud the last OPPT filing and declaration with us
sometime in the next (24) hours

All is Eternal Essence, Debt Release

Heather Tucci-Jarraf, trustee of OPPT, has reminded us that the more energy we invest into this document and its declarations the quicker the declarations will manifest in our world and lives.

With the Spring Solstice we have arrived at a perfect balanced state of Light & Dark, multi-dimensionally.  Could the timing be more perfect to declare and invest our BEingness and intentions into this document?

I hope you choose to weave your Eternal Hearts with ours and firmly plant the seeds of the One Eternal Heart for the Spring’s of the New Earth we are all co-creating.

The Power is in This Now Moment...and the Power is You...and Unity !

Blissings, Katrina Troolines

Here is the link to the OPPT OC blog for more info:

The guy in this video starts part-way down. You may like to read the whole document through in your own voice    : )    The link below is the transcript of this video:


Published on Mar 20, 2013
Decleration by Goran: Antunovic on 3-20-13, that I am eternal essence embodied with Absolute Truth, Love and Peace

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