Monday 11 March 2013

Part 3: Heather Tucci-Jarraf (OPPT Trustee) with Brian from American Kabuki

A conversation with Heather Tucci-Jarraf, Trustee of The One People's Public

Published on Jan 3, 2013
by TheAmericankabuki
The One People's Public Trust

A discussion with Trustee Heather Tucci-Jarraf with Brian from the "American Kabuki" ground crew and D. from "Removing the Shackles Blog" about Heather's early work as a banking fraud investigator and her introduction to the Trust and its action to accept the Gift of the UCC in trust for humanity and the Trust's foreclosure on the BIS and Federal Reserve.

Recommencing at 1:52:00

Heather:  Show me where the loan was made...  Brian: Can you explain what a 'loan' is

  • Judges don't even know the difference between a loan and a debt
  • Loan: someone will give you an amount of money that you have agreed to pay back
  • Debt: it's an amount of money that has been loaned that is due for payment
  • It needs to be showed what was loaned and what was paid back
  • There is no loans to pay back...  No National debt, No State debt, No personal debt
  • "Show me that a loan was made"

Federal Reserve Notes: What are they?
  • The issuer is liable for it, ie: the Federal Reserve Bank, itself

Temporary Governments:  Is that what you refer to as the CVAC's?  "Creations Value Asset Centers"

We needed to make sure that it was a framework that was fluid, non-restrictive, non-limited except for what The People wanted
  • The People own it
  • The sole purpose was to serve the people - no special interests, no self-interests
  • It would not abrogate, subordinate,  subjugate, violate, invade or assert The People's authority and value
  • We registered in commerce what The People always thought was in existence

Are these 'governments' (CVAC) already set up, are they functioning, or are they in behind the scenes?

OK...  That's enough for the day...  I'll be back later to finish up the last 30 minutes.

Finished at 1:59:00

Part 1 of this video:  
Part 2:

This is a question that was posed in Part 1 but as yet has not been answered:
"Under what authority were all the foreclosures made, and were these registered?"

Please note:  This blog is under construction....  so please bear with me.  I'm getting it out as fast as I can.  I think it's really good to hear the heart of this matter directly from Heather herself      : )   In the meantime, there's a link to the Trustees Bonds and Oaths.  This might be of interest for you to read.  Thank you...  Be and Do Who You Are.  Love to all created Be'ings, from Bron.

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