Saturday 9 March 2013

What OPPT is NOT - by Sophia Love on American Kabuki

OPPT isn’t:
  • a law
  • something to sign
  • something to join
  • a conspiracy
  • a constitution
  • something to pay for
  • a requirement
  • something to follow
  • a demand
  • a trick
  • corrupt
  • invasive
  • more debt
  • a movement to follow
  • a set of rules to obey
  • a fad
  • a suggestion
  • a club
  • a group
  • a list of suggestions
  • a country
  • a government
  • a financial system
  • an educational system
  • a cult
  • a puzzle
  • something to vote for
  • something to fight for
  • a lie
  • fraud
  • deceit
  • a demand
  • a problem to decipher
  • going to hurt you
  • going to enslave you
  • going to tax you
  • going to ask you for money
  • going to foreclose on you
  • going to put you in jail
  • something for only the next generation
  • easy to comprehend

OPPT is:
  • simple to embrace
  • a re-statement of our worth, the value of the One People
  • a re-statement of the Declaration of Independence
  • for all generations
  • transparent
  • legal
  • worldwide
  • free
  • freedom 

Sophia's further commentary:

I do not want to change your mind. I want to touch your heart. With your heart engaged, your mind can’t help but make the right choice for you. Notice the landscape. Do not dismiss these new features. They demand closer inspection.

Decide what resonates. Listen, discern and act when you are moved to. The OPPT asks nothing of you. It is like a soundtrack, playing in the background as you construct your world. Consider your life; some things you want more of, others less.

There are tools and there are obstacles. Decide which is which and use what serves you. There is no coercion in these filings. How you interpret them in your day to day is completely up to you. Decide what serves you. Do your own homework.

The 1776 Declaration of Independence says: 

“We declare these truths to be self evident, that all men were created equal...”

Since then, governments were corporatized and banks and schools have been corrupted and controlled by their CEO’s. As the depth of this corruption was discovered and uncovered, a solution was offered – foreclose of the corporations and return the power to the people themselves. The UCC filings took care of that. Your life only has to change if that is your choice. You stand without requirement.

Can you see yourself without bonds or binds of any kind? When you can, this Trust, the Public Trust of the One People, will have served its purpose.

The OPPT isn’t the answer. It is a catalyst for you to find the answers within. Search your heart. Your value, truth and treasure are not found in any document. They reside within every single one of us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.


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