Wednesday 10 July 2013

Freedoms Within the New Money System... BE and DO

This post came via Neal Rush
ref:  "The People's Voice" Facebook Group
10 July 2013

The new financial system's core reason-for-being, is to provide universal prosperity and to break the back of the private banking cartels. On your world, there have always been those who used the banks to gather great wealth to themselves and sequester it in the hands of a favored few. This is now to end and to be transformed into a system which produces wealth for all. This new system is to take you swiftly beyond your present theories of the physical universe and your limiting philosophies of the past, and demonstrate actively the universal law of abundance by bringing wealth to each one on your planet. By so doing, it will create a wholly new reality that has no need of money as such. It will quickly become a moneyless society, based on technologies that render manufacturing and farming obsolete, thus transforming the very nature of how you define yourselves. When you can move beyond your present work-to-survive mode of living, your job description and your pay-grade will cease to define you. Then, who you truly are deep within you, together with your untapped talents, can come to the fore, creating a society where each becomes a sacred Being, honored simply for being who they truly are. PAO Connection - .

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