Tuesday 2 July 2013

20 Facts Of Human Finance as of December 26 2012

Original source: Please see "APPENDIX" on this link...

1. Government corporations and elite businesses and organizations worldwide were lawfully foreclosed in December, 2012.

2. These corporations’ assets all have UCC liens placed against them in lieu of payment for knowingly establishing fraudulent contracts with the people of Earth, creating a de facto slavery system.

3. All governments are corporations and have been since at least 1934 when governments mortgaged their populations for the first time, without their consent, to pay for the corporations’ combined excesses, mistakes, and wars.

4. These corporations continue their criminal acts to avoid the collapse of their foreclosed paper empire while awaiting help from the central banks and their printing presses.

5. Historically, these banks and corporations have received massive payments and loan guarantees to run the presses that have sustained their central banks. These loans are backed by the combined wealth of the planet, mostly in gold, but have also included the value placed on each individual via their birth certificate.

6. The Collateral Accounts were set up to support the combined value of the worlds’ assets, to facilitate commerce and to provide for the wealth, health and safety of the world’s people.

7. Treaties and agreements, signed and then ignored over centuries, guarantee that this money is to be distributed to all of the people of the Earth. The elected and selected government corporations had other plans and other means not made known to the people or the trustees of the accounts until it was almost too late.

8. For too long the accounts’ trustees dutifully obeyed the governments and central banks and gave payments and guarantees only to them and to their corporate associates and families -as they demanded was their right.

9. But recently, after generations of careful planning and preparation, the trustees refuted the corporations’ claims on the Collateral Accounts and have instead prepared to release the funds to the people to rebuild the world.

10. This money is entirely backed by precious metals and jewels,constituting the wealth of the world that has always been everyone’s to share equally -but wasn’t. When released, this money will cancel all odious debt for every nation and every person on Earth. It is enough to make money and all its attachments irrelevant.

11. This money, a sum large enough to guarantee the end of financial tyranny for everyone, is available now.

12. This money will enable long hidden technologies and medical breakthroughs to be released to all the people.

13. This money will enable the restoration of the planet’s natural environments and will support a commitment to keeping the planet healthy with clean energy.

14. The proof of all this new information, including the hidden history of our planet, is available now if you look. This information is less likely be found in the corporate- and government-owned mainstream media.

15. Consider the fact that any bank mortgages you may have or other bank loans or tax payments you may owe are fraudulent. Humanity didn’t agree to be sold for corporations’ and governments’ excesses, mistakes and wars; therefore no valid contract exists.

16. Consider that many new world communities have worked for decades – at significant risk to the people involved and their families – to ensure this distribution of the world’s wealth takes place peacefully.

17. As a result of this event some world leaders will be detained for a short period. No being will be harmed. A temporary government and new financial structure, already available, will be put into place.

18. Help each other get these accounts released to the people of Earth and stop paying the bankers and their governments their fraudulent claims. Only together can we replace and eradicate our bankrupt system.

19. Accept that you are infinitely valuable and in every way free and that your portion of the wealth of the world is available for you now to enjoy in peace.

20. All that remains for the people of Earth is to accept what is rightfully theirs: take back their share of the world’s wealth from those who fraudulently held it from them and claim their rights as equals among anyone. An event.


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