Tuesday 2 July 2013

TOP New Zealand - Regional & City Facebook Groups - Networking

Hi there ~
It looks like it's time to start localising our Actions.

After you've listened to "The One People's" radio show for 1-2 July, you'll realise this next phase is a DO'ing. And a DO'ing that's probably best done if we approach our banks in our 2's or 3's rather than on our own. To this end... I'm taking the proverbial New York Stock Exchange "bull by the horns" and creating some Sister Sites today... For our different provinces and towns. 

Whilst it's me that's setting these Groups up, i'd really like The People from these provincial towns and regions to be the drivers of those Groups, not me. Also, i'd ask that you only Join the Group for where you live. In that way, the people in that Group know that each person in the Members' List is pretty much 'just down the road'. I hope this sounds alright to people : ) 

Also, you can re-name groups once you've settled there for a bit... So for example, the "Wellington" Group might ultimately attract a lot of people from the Hutt Valley... So it would be really easy to change the name of the Group, once you figure out who the people are who have arrived there : ) 

Let me know if you live in a different city or region than the ones listed so far.  We can easily get a fb Group going for your location as well...  no problems.  Just leave me a comment below...

Have fun with this : ) ♥ ♥ ♥
Today we begin !!

Bronny NZhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/thecollectiveimagination/2013/07/02/the-one-people

The One People 1/2 July 2013www.blogtalkradio.com
Formerly the Oppt-In Show. Join the discussion with Lisa Harrison, Bob Wright, Chris Hanes...

Image source:  

Finding our "soul families". NZ by region:

Image source:

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